
2024/07/27 8:54:59|英語
5/2カナダ人観光客を東照宮と富士山世界遺産センターにご案内/Guide Canadian tourists to Toshogu Shrine and the Mt. Fuji World Heri
Guided a group of about 50 Canadians from a tourist ship that had arrived at Shimizu Port on two tour buses to Kunozan Toshogu Shrine, strawberry picking, and the Mount Fuji Heritage Center in Fujinomiya. The rain got heavier in the afternoon,skipped the visit to Shiraito Falls and returned to Shimizu Port in the evening.

2024/07/26 9:32:53|モロヘイヤ
4/29モロヘイヤの定植とマルチトンネル/Planting molokheiya and multi-tunnel
Planted molokheiya seedlings on two ridges in the third field. After that, Made a tunnel with mulch.

2024/07/26 9:25:54|ジャガイモ
4/19ジャガイモ畑の草取り/Weeding on potato field
Weeded the potato fields at Hamada Farm, which were planted in early March.

2024/07/26 9:12:03|自然薯
4/14自然薯圃場の耕うん/tilling Japanese yam fields
I used the 22 horsepower self-propelled tractor to till fields 1, 2 and 4. With this tractor, it took about 3 hours to till all the fields.

2024/04/09 16:29:15|自然薯
4/8自然薯の冷凍とろろ/Japanese yam iced tororo
H-san in Hadano has succeeded the prototype reitou-tororo,iced yam.
A 150 g of tororo is used to make a 3 cup of tororo-gohan with Miso-soup or shoyu-soup. Used also as Maguronoyamakake,topping tororo on tuna or used to make okonomiyaki as a binder.