
2022/07/15 13:26:18|その他
6/15ベルガモット満開/Bergamot in full bloom
EFC(English Farm Cafe)の仲間が栽培しているハーブの一種のベルガモットの花が満開です。今年は見事な花を咲かしてくれました。26日のFarm visitのゲストにプレゼントする予定です。
The flowers of bergamot, a kind of herb cultivated by EFC (English Farm Cafe) friends, are in full bloom. This year, they have made wonderful flowers. We are planning to give it to the guests of Farm visit on the 26th.

2022/07/15 11:57:01|モロヘイヤ
6/8モロヘイヤが大きくなりました/Moroheiya has grown
Two weeks have passed since the planting. Moroheiya covered with mulch grew quickly and grew to a height of 50 cm or more. Moroheiya in the alley is still about 10 cm.

2022/07/15 11:47:05|自然薯
6/7自然薯圃場ネット張り完了/Completion of netting of yam field
The net tension of the yam field has been completed. The yam with extended vine leaves is entwined with the net and grows larger.

2022/07/15 11:42:18|その他
6/1自然薯定植完了/Completion of Japanese yam planting
The planting of Japanese yams has finally been completed. This means that I have planted about 3,000 yams.

2022/07/15 10:25:00|その他
5/28国立劇場日本舞踊鑑賞/Watching Japanese dance at the National Theater
A Japanese dance party to which K-san, an English conversation classmates, belongs was held at a small theater in the National Theater of Japan. I invited Tokai University international students to watch it with my English conversation classmates. The production was elaborate and it was a very wonderful dance.