
2022/07/15 14:24:00|英語
6/26KSGG Farm visit
Invited overseas students living in Yokohama to hold a ranch and potato digging event. The potatoes dug were brought back. Served potato dishes and desserts with the English conversation club. They also got herb flowers home. They had a good experience.



2022/07/15 14:07:18|自然薯
6/19自然薯圃場防草シート布設/laying weed-proof sheets on Yam fields
Weed-proof sheets were laid between the ridges of the three Japanese  yam fields. This will make it easier as I will only weed the grass that grows on the ridges in the future.

2022/07/15 14:04:57|その他
6/25 明日のFarm visitの準備/Preparation for Farm visit tomorrow
明日はKSGGのイベント:Farm visitです。金曜日から灼熱の日々が続いています。ランチ時の木陰を探して草刈を実施しました。また、EFCの仲間が涼しいデザート(七夕ゼリー)を作ってくれることになりました。
Tomorrow is the KSGG event: Farm visit. Heat wave days have continued since Friday. Mowed the grass looking for the shade of the trees at lunch. Also, one of EFC friends will make a cool dessert (Tanabata jelly).

2022/07/15 13:43:56|サツマイモ
6/17 サツマイモの定植/plantation of sweet potato seedlings
I made two ridges in the fifth field and planted sweet potato seedlings. It is about 200. I want you to take root.

2022/07/15 13:33:09|自然薯
6/16自然薯の追肥/Topdressing of Japanese yam
Carried out top dressing for the first time after planting Japanese yam. About 750 kg of chemical fertilizer 8-8-8 was applied to three yam fields. Fertilize every month until September.