
2022/12/31 10:12:57|その他栽培
12/19 山わさびと葉わさび/ Mountain wasabi and leaf wasabi
Got  two mountain wasabis and leaf wasabi from the nearby Y farm. Planted one mountain wasabi in one corner in the third field. Tasted them
very delicious next day.

2022/12/31 10:01:03|英語
12/15リンダ先生の最後の英会話授業/Last English class by MS Linda Gould
The last English conversation class was held for Linda, who will return to America by March next year. We happily enjoyed her last class while playing English games  according to her wish not to make her cry.

2022/12/31 9:50:49|その他栽培
12/9 ニンニクの追肥/ Fertilizing garlic
Sprinkled several grains of chemical fertilizer 8-8-8 around the garlic seedlings (approximately 500 plants) planted in September.
Hope they will glow well.

2022/12/31 9:42:49|英語
11/27 Farm visit
昨年に続き、KSGGのfarm visitのイベントを実施しました。快晴の下、約10名の留学生が集まってくれました。最初は浜田牧場の若牛を見学頂きました。その後、サツマイモ畑に移動してランチ。多くのサツマイモ料理が平塚の英会話仲間によって提供いただきました。そして最後にサツマイモを掘って頂きました。皆様、お疲れさまでした。
Continuing from last year, Held a farm visit event for KSGG. About 10 international students gathered under the fine weather. At first, Had a tour of young cows at Hamada dairy farm. After that, Moved to a sweet potato field and had lunch. Many sweet potato dishes were served by Hiratsuka's English conversation companions. And finally, all guests  dug the sweet potato. Thank you all for your hard work.

2022/11/23 14:16:32|その他栽培
11/19玉葱の定植完了/Completed planting of onions
With the help of everyone at EFC, have completed planting 250 red and 200 white onions (medieval). Two days later, on Sunday, it will be raining, so I expect it to take root safely.