
2023/03/26 16:00:33|その他
3/13浜田牧場ジャガイモの定植/Plantig potato seedling on the filed of Hmada deiary farm
Planting potatoes for A−san, who had been in charge until now, became difficult, so I planted potatoes in Hamada Farm's field this year instead. I cultivated the field with a 22-horsepower cultivator and made ridges with a hoe. Toya, Baron and Kitaakari also planted potato seed potatoes. About 250 in all.

2023/03/26 15:52:21|その他
3/12自然薯カット薯Aコープ販売開始/Started selling Japanese yam cut yam at A co-op/
From today, started selling Japanese yam at the A-Co-op Asahi store. The cut yam size is mainly 200g-400g, and the price is 350-700 yen.

2023/03/26 14:37:43|その他
3/3 ジャガイモの定植/Potato planting
Planted potato seed potatoes. There are three types: Baron, Toya, and Kitakari. A total of 300 plants were planted in 4 ridges.
In Msan's field next door, the husband and wife were efficiently planting potatoes using machine tool.

2023/03/26 14:26:13|その他栽培
2/27 モロコシ畑の畑焼/Corn field burning
Helped Hamada deiary farm in burning dry grass on the slopes of the sorghum field.
Blessed with good weather, the slope turned black in about an hour.

2023/03/26 14:17:47|落語
2/25 志の輔独演会/Shinosuke Solo Rakugo performance
Went to see the solo performance of master Shinosuke Tatekawa, which I had reserved in December last year. It was held at the Hiratsuka Bungei Bunka Kaikan to commemorate the 5th anniversary of Hiratsuka municipal administration. Really enjoyed it.