
2023/08/15 15:52:41|その他
7/20湘南乃海関のサインと番付表/Signature and ranking list of Shonannoumi,the sumo wrestler
Visited the fish shop, Uotaki, where Shonanoumi, the sumo qwrestler, was born and grown-up in Oiso. Received his signature and Nagoya tounament  ranking list. He ranks at Magashira 14. His performance of this tournament was 11win and 4loss as well as receiving Grand Sumo Fighting Spirit Award.

2023/08/15 15:31:57|自然薯
7/15自然薯畑白黒マルチ布設/Bblack and white mulch installation on Yam field
Installed black and white mulch on the yam of the second field. Cover all but the vines on the ground and pinch the top of the mulch with colorful pinches. This will help prevent weeds by eliminating the sunshine. Had a Vietnamese coffee tasting at Gelateria Vega.

2023/08/15 15:05:46|サツマイモ
7/12サツマイモ畑の草取り/Weeding of sweet potato filed
Weeded the sweet potato field. The sweet potato seedlings planted at the end of June are also taking root safely.

2023/08/15 12:52:41|英語
7/9 KSGG 湘南ひらつか七夕祭りガイド/Guide of Shonan Hiratsuka Tanabata festival
For the first time in four years, guided many foreigners, including international students, to the Shonan Hiratsuka Tanabata Festival. 60 people from 17 countries participated.

2023/08/15 12:42:48|英語
6/28 3年ぶりの有楽町/Yurakutyou for the first time for three years
After a long absence, went to Kotsu Kaikan in Yurakucho to see my friend B's gallery exhibition. Also greeted  T−san  from Vietnam who will  participate  the Shonan Hiratsuka Tanabata Festival.