
2023/10/10 11:44:20|その他栽培
10/1浜田牧場さんの稲刈りの手伝い/Assistance of rice harvesting at Hamada Farm
Assisted Hamada Farm harvest rice. Harvesting rice from two-tans rice fields. Rice is harvested using a rice harvester, but the rice straw is hung in the sun in four groups to be used as feed for dairy cows. This work is  done manually.This work lasts 3-4 days, taking advantage of sunny weather. (Total: 6-tans rice fields)

2023/10/10 11:34:45|ジャガイモ
9/10秋ジャガの定植/Autumn potato planting
Autumn potatoes were planted in the 2nd row of field 6. Worried about germination due to the continued high temperatures.

2023/10/10 11:26:55|自然薯
9/5自然薯追肥3回目Third fertilization of Japanese yam
The third fertilization was carried out. Purchased 70 kg of chemical fertilizer 8-8-8 from Home center Komeri and sprayed it on three Japanese yam fields. This is the final fertilization. The Japanese yams in the first field have been flourishing since early August. Looking forward to it.

2023/10/10 8:11:37|その他
8/22モロコシ収穫とサイロ詰めの手伝いが始まりました/Assisting with corn harvest and silo filling has begun.
The annual harvest of sorghum and filling silos at Hamada Farm has begun. Harvesting 15,000 square meters of corn continues for about two weeks under the scorching sun.

2023/08/15 16:04:12|自然薯
8/4自然薯の育成状況/Growth situation of Japanese yam
Additional fertilizer was applied to Japanese yams. A total of 150 kg of chemical fertilizer 8-8-8 was applied to three fields. Removed the colorful pinch at the top of the black and white mulch to expose the soil of the ridge and spread fertilizer on the surface. This is the situation of the field right after that. After watering (or raining), pinch the top edge of the black and white mulch again with a colorful pinch.