
2022/04/14 13:17:34|その他
3/23自然薯種薯の仕込み実施/Preparation of Japanese yam seedling
Today, 60 kg of seed yams arrived from Suzuki Agricultural Products in Kitaibaraki. Immediately, I cut the yam into small seem yams of 60g in size, disinfected them, dried them in the sun, and put them in the nursery box. Prepared about 1,000 seed yams. Next week, 80 kg of seed yams will arrive from the Kitaibaraki Japanese Yam Study Group. I'm getting busy.

2022/03/23 8:52:46|自然薯
3/12第四圃場の施肥と耕うん/Fertilization and tillage in the fourth field
All harvests of Japanese yam were finished on March 10th. Immediately, applied cow dung and slaked lime, and cultivated it with a 22-horsepower self-propelled cultivator.

2022/03/23 8:44:21|ジャガイモ
3/4EFC:ジャガイモの定植/Potato planting at EFC
EFC(English Farm Cafe)に参加してくれた皆さんにもジャガイモの定植を手伝って頂きました。約500個のジャガイモを植えたことになります。6月のファームビジットに使う予定です。合間に耕運機の操作を行って頂きました。
Four members participated in EFC (English Farm Cafe)  helped me with the planting of potatoes. Planted about 500 potatoes. These potatos will used for the farm visit in June. They have experienced the operation of  the cultivator in the meantime.

2022/03/22 16:27:26|ジャガイモ
2/28ジャガイモの定植/Potato planting
After cultivating the fifth field with a 22-horsepower self-propelled cultivator, ridges were made and about 100 potatoes were planted.

2022/03/22 16:17:40|英語
Guided Vietnamese student H-san to the wind suspention bridge in Tokawa Park in Hadano. After that, I introduced you to Oyama's Hinata Yakushi.