
2022/04/14 14:07:41|ジャガイモ
4/13ジャガイモの土寄せ/Potato soil gathering
Since 5 days ago, have carried out soil gathering of the ridges of the potato fields in the 3rd, 4th and 5th fields. Almost 350 potatoes of all 500 potatoes have sprouted.

2022/04/14 13:59:33|英語
4/8 EFC(English Farm Cafe )
Had an EFC with fellow English conversation clubs. Planted green soybeans and taro and weeded the ridges of other vegetables. Enjoyed English conversation while having lunch.

2022/04/14 13:49:45|モロヘイヤ
3/31モロヘイヤの育苗開始/Start raising seedlings of Moroheiya
Moroheiya seeds were planted in tow 128-seedling trays. As with last year, assembled the simple greenhouse and raise seedlings in it. It should germinate and grow into good seedlings in 10 days to 2 weeks.

2022/04/14 13:41:41|ジャガイモ
3/31ジャガイモの芽出し/Potato sprout
The potato buds that were planted from the end of February to March 5 began to emerge.

2022/04/14 13:35:52|英語
3/27桜花見・Hさん送別会/Cherry blossom viewing & Farewell party for H-san
Held a cherry blossom viewing in O-san's garden as a farewell party for H-san, a Vietnamese student returning to Japan at the end of March. International students from Turkmenistan and Morocco were also invited. Home-cooked meals are brought by many English conversation colleagues in the city. We are very excitet to introduce songs for graduation and farewell in mother countries.