
2022/09/18 13:15:02|その他栽培
8/19ハーブガーデン見学/Herb garden visit
Visited the herb garden (Hoshi-no-Suna Herb Garden) in the Kamikisawa district together with home garden enthusiasts from Hiratsuka. Dozens of herb species were planted in a field of more than 1 ha. The shop is located in front of Oiso Station. (Oiso Herb Garden)


2022/09/18 12:20:50|英語
8/14モロッコ留学生を富士五湖へご案内/Guide Moroccan students to Fuji Five Lakes
Guided Moroccan international students studying at Tokai University and Rikkyo University to the Fuji Five Lakes with Mr. O of the Hiratsuka English Conversation Club. Meet in front of Tokai University Station at 08:00 and head to Gotemba on the Tomei Expressway. From there, we went to Lake Yamanaka, Lake Kawaguchi, Fugaku Wind Cave, and finally Shiraito Falls, and arrived safely at Tokaidaigaku Station at 18:30. Glad to have guided them safely.

2022/09/18 11:55:07|その他
8/11第四圃場の草取り/Weeding on 4th field
Weeding was carried out on the ridge of wild yam in the fourth field and around it.

2022/09/18 11:49:43|自然薯
8/6 自然薯の追肥/Additional fertilizing of wild yam
Dessipated chemical fertilizer 8-8-8 to the Yam field. Totally 5 bags of 20kg fertilizer were dessipated on three yam fields.
As for chemical fertilizers, 20 kg of fertilizer cost 2,350 yen due to the high price of raw materials. (The price is 1,000 yen higher than last year.) The photo shows the additional fertilizing in the second field.

2022/09/18 11:37:51|自然薯
8/3 自然薯第一圃場の草取り/Mowing on Japanese Yam 1st field
Mowed the entrance of the first field and the surrounding area. During this period, it is necessary to mow the glasses every two weeks.