
2024/04/09 14:51:29|その他
3/22自然薯の最後の収穫/The last harvest of Japanese yam
Have finished harvesting the last of the Japanese yams that we planted last year. Dry it in the sun, pack it in a plastic bag, and store it in a commercial refrigerator.The large yam weighed about 2 kg.

2024/04/09 14:42:29|自然薯
3/16自然薯の種薯の仕込み/Preparation of Japanese yam seeds
This year, the seed yams were sent two weeks early from Kitaibaraki. As in previous years, spent one day cleaning, cutting, sun-drying, disinfecting, drying, and preparing seedlings into seedling boxes. This work will continue for three weeks until the end of March.

2024/04/09 14:33:03|サツマイモ
3/5保存したサツマイモ種芋が全滅/All saved sweet potato seeds destroyed.
When I opened the box I had saved to prepare this year's sweet potato seeds, all the potatoes had been eaten by palm civets. The duct tape on the lid of the box had also been torn off. This storage method can no longer be used.

2024/04/09 14:21:12|その他栽培
3/2かぼちゃの育苗開始/Start raising buttercup squash seedlings
This year, Decided to grow buttercup squash seedlings in a mini house. ISowed 2-3 seeds in a seedling box, covered them with culture soil, gave them plenty of water, and set them up in a simple mini-house. Expect to see sprouted seedlings in 30 days.

2024/04/09 11:38:37|ジャガイモ
2/28ジャガイモの定植/Planting potatoes
Planted seed potatoes of Baron and Kitaakari. Planted thinned radish seedlings in the adjacent ridge. In addition to this field, Planted potatoes on the north side of the fourth field and two more fields.