
2025/02/02 16:20:07|その他栽培
1/27有機栽培を開始/Started organic farming
I decided to cultivate the flower garden in my garden and turn it into a vegetable patch. I planted cabbage and broccoli seedlings two weeks after spreading organic compost fertilizer and plowing with a hoe.
I then laid a cheesecloth tunnel. I also bought a small compost pile and will be using two compost piles alternately to effectively create organic fertilizer from food waste.

2025/02/02 16:07:44|英語
1/17吾妻山菜の花ハイキング/ Azuma Mountain Canola flower hiking
We invited 10 guests from the parents' association of the Saint Maur International School in Yokohama to canola flower hiking tour on Mt. Azuma in Ninomiya. Mt. Fuji was beautiful, and although the canola flowers were only 40% in bloom, the guests enjoyed themselves on the roller sliders and other activities. We also gave them postcards of Mt. Fuji by photographer X. When we were playing rock-paper-scissors to choose one clear file with an ukiyo-e design foronly one person, a Spanish guest introduced us to a game called Disparejo. It was a very original game.

2025/02/02 15:45:33|その他
1/12 どんど焼き/Dondo yaki
Participated in the annual Dondoyaki held by the local community. Was given New Year's sake and sweet red bean soup, and enjoyed the taiko drumming performance by the taiko preservation society.

2025/02/02 15:24:47|英語
12/19 クリスマス会/Christmas Party
At the Hadano English Conversation Class, classes were canceled and a Christmas party was held.
We enjoyed Christmas-related quizzes and games.
As eating and drinking in the classroom is prohibited, we decided to take the sweets we brought home.

2025/02/02 15:11:46|英語
12/16 吾妻山ハイキングの下見/Preparation of Azumayama Hiking
Went out with my KSGG friends to scout for the Azuma mountain canola flower hike scheduled for January. It was a clear day and we could see Mt. Fuji clearly. Luckily, We met photographer I-san again, as I did last year, and he gave us about 15 postcards of Mt. Fuji to give to the guests. I am very grateful.

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